Fast. Fun. Science.

Accelerate scientific discovery with lean methodology. Transparently report how your discoveries are made.


A new methodology

All disciplines, companies or entire industries at some point need to take stock and reassess their infrastructure and methods of operation. For a long time the classical science method has served us well, it has given us almost everything we know about the world. We rely on it to save our lives, solve our biggest problems, drive our economies and most importantly show us the things we don’t yet know and cannot imagine. The guiding framework of Lean Startup has had a revolutionary influence on how businesses grow and change. The Agile Science framework gives you the power to make breakthroughs by providing a guide formerly practiced exclusively by the top research laboratories around the globe. Continue reading about Agile Science >>


Lean & Efficient

Minimise waste, maximise budget


Accelerate Discovery

Catch Black Swans


Improve Partnerships

Match the pace of agency parters


Report Your Discoveries

Be transparent about your process

Professor Joel Pearson, Founder of Agile Science

Professor Joel Pearson, Founder of Agile Science


About the Founder

Joel is a psychologist, neuroscientist, public intellectual, company founder and keynote speaker, working at the forefront of science, innovation, Agile Science and new mind measurement technologies. 

Over the past 15 years of research, Joel has developed a methodology called Agile Science.